Published: 02-07-2021


The Progressive Reduction of Cholesterol: Does it Open a Way to Psychopathology?

Massimo Cocchi
Abstract 229 | PDF Downloads 180

Page e2021187


COVID-19 and Nutrition Implications: A Review

Claudio Maioli, Federico Cioni; Salvatore Ciappellano
Abstract 429 | PDF Downloads 251

Page e2021228

Assessment of nutrition knowledge among university students: a systematic review

Nawsherwan, Ijaz ul Haq, Qing Tian, Bilal Ahmed, Muhammad Nisar, Hafiz Zubair Inayat, Areeba Yaqoob, Fatima Majeed, Jahan Shah, Amin Ullah, Suqing Wang
Abstract 2148 | PDF Downloads 2106

Page e2021059

The feasibility of a diet which enhances inositol availability

Ramona Frida Moroni, Emanuela Cazzaniga, Paola Palestini, Michele Sculati
Abstract 1862 | PDF Downloads 1198

Page e2021078

The Effect of Muscle Electrical Stimulation on Muscle Stiffness Problems and Musculoskeletal Pain Caused by Muscle Imbalance: A Systematic Review

Vahid Saatchian, Mutlu Türkmen, Mahdi Esfahani, Reza Amin Zadeh, Ahmed Mushtaq Talib, Amin Azimkhani
Abstract 745 | PDF Downloads 441

Page e2021080

Focus on

Excercise and Gastrointestinal Complaints, an Overview

Nicola Sponsiello, Maurizio Salamone, Veronica Di Nardo, Francesca Busa, Nicolò Andreani
Abstract 285 | PDF Downloads 210

Page e2021206

Original articles

Dietary Total Antioxidant Capacity and Oxidative Stress in Patients with Type-2 Diabetes

Özlem Çetiner, Süleyman Nahit Şendur, Tuba Yalçın, Miyase Bayraktar, Neslişah Rakıcıoğlu
Abstract 732 | PDF Downloads 398

Page e2021050

Observation of Postoperative Complications in Patients That Used Probiotics In Preoperative Period of Colorectal Cancer Surgery

Ahmet Soykurt, Sadettin Er, Ali Sapmaz, Erdinç Çetinkaya
Abstract 519 | PDF Downloads 259

Page e2021053

A Nutritional supplementation intervention with coenzime Q10, Tryptophan and Magnesium for the management of Fibromyalgia symptoms

Antonio Gómez-Centeno, Mercedes Ramentol, Maria J. González, Cayetano Alegre
Abstract 628 | PDF Downloads 326

Page e2021076

Evaluation of Taste Related Genes (CD 36, SHH, PLCß2) Expression in Saliva

Elif Esra Ozturk, Derya Dikmen
Abstract 273 | PDF Downloads 254

Page e2021118

Treatment strategies in osteoporosis - an analysis of practice guidelines

Ana-Maria Pelin, Costinela Georgescu, Simona Claudia Stefan, Oana Dragostin, Gabriela Balan
Abstract 525 | PDF Downloads 266

Page e2021066

Mechanism of Bazedoxifene/conjugated estrogens drugs therapy and its Clinical effect on osteoporosis

Jiancheng Xu, Jing Ji, Zhan Wang, Tao Xu
Abstract 540 | PDF Downloads 258

Page e2021069

The protective effects of epigallocatechin-3- gallate (EGCG) on hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative damages in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Seda Beyaz, Ozlem Gok, Muhammed Ismail Can, Abdullah Aslan
Abstract 567 | PDF Downloads 295

Page e2021085

Plasma 25-OH vitamin D3 level in HIV infected patients

Aydın Deveci, Birsen Bilgici
Abstract 293 | PDF Downloads 183

Page e2021042

Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Diet in Menopausal Women: Comparison Between COVID19 “first wave” and “second wave” of pandemic in Italy

Francesca Coppi, Milena Nasi, Alberto Farinetti, Antonio Manenti, Sabina Gallina, Anna Vittoria Mattioli
Abstract 534 | PDF Downloads 263

Page e2021194

Investigation of associations between the effects of COVID-19 fear on school administrators and nutrition and problematic eating behaviors

Turgut Karaköse, Ramazan Yirci, Hasan Basyigit, Ali Kucukcakir
Abstract 994 | PDF Downloads 393

Page e2021187

Nutrient Intake and Nutritional Status in Hungarian Gynecological Cancer Patients

Beatrix Bárány, Róbert Póka
Abstract 219 | PDF Downloads 168

Page e2021235

Lifestyles and habits in young people: analysis of Italian National Institute of Statistics database

Fabio Fabbian, Pedro Manuel Rodríguez-Muñoz, Rosaria Cappadona, Emanuele Di Simone, Marco Di Muzio, Maria Aurora Rodríguez-Borrego, Pablo Jesús López-Soto
Abstract 605 | PDF Downloads 215

Page e2021202

Evaluation of Healthy Lifestyle Behaviours of Faculty Members

Kubilay Şenbakar
Abstract 449 | PDF Downloads 177

Page e2021146

Levels of physical exercises and body composition predicting childhood obesity in schoolchildren Spaniards from the Mediterranean basin

Latorre JA, Heras-Gonzalez L, Maria Jose Jimenez-Casquet, Olea-Serrano F, Miguel Mariscal-Arcas
Abstract 359 | PDF Downloads 211

Page e2021060

Evaluation of the Relationships Between Burnout, Eating Behavior and Quality of Life in Academics

BURCU ATEŞ ÖZCAN, Burcu Uslu, Begüm Okudan, Müveddet Emel Alphan
Abstract 979 | PDF Downloads 449

Page e2021077

Maternal phenylketonuria: newborn outcomes in women treated and not treated before pregnancy

Karolina Łagowska, Joanna Pieczyńska
Abstract 619 | PDF Downloads 325

Page e2021215

Assessment of Infant Feeding Attitudes of a Group of Women who Attended Prenatal Education Class

Sevil Sahin, Dondu Sevimli Guler, Ayten Düzgün, Alaattin Unsal, Hilal Uslu Yuvacı
Abstract 430 | PDF Downloads 280

Page e2021079

Obesity and chronic diseases prevention among school children: nursing intervention in healthy eating education

Elsa Vitale, Rosa Silvia Fortunato, Cosimo Della Pietà, Maria Luisa Ciurlia, Francesco Germini
Abstract 533 | PDF Downloads 296

Page e2021045

Association Between Sleep Quality and Depression in Women with Abdominal Obesity and Dietary Energy Density

Hülya Yılmaz Önal, Aysun Yüksel, Kezban Esen Karaca Çelik
Abstract 424 | PDF Downloads 289

Page e2021120

An Analysis of Relationship of Sleep Pattern and Sleep Quality with Eating Behaviour among University Students

Merve Gizem Özdişli, Emine Yıldız
Abstract 678 | PDF Downloads 332

Page e2021145

Relationship Between Rem Sleep Behavior Disorder and Depression and Anxiety and Night Eating Syndrome

Rabia Gamze Yürük Cantürk, Itır Tarı Cömert, Seda Uğraş, Gizem Akcan, Dilek İşlek Salkım, Erkut Tutkun, E.Hülya Yükseloğlu
Abstract 961 | PDF Downloads 329

Page e2021047

The Effect of Using Synbiotic on Weight Loss, Body Fat Percentage and Anthropometric Measures in Obese Women

Zehra Batu, Umut Gök Balcı, Emine Akal Yıldız
Abstract 456 | PDF Downloads 272

Page e2021116

Effect of eating alone on dietary practice in community-dwelling elderly in Japan

Akira Ishida, Emik Ishida
Abstract 450 | PDF Downloads 298

Page e2021056

Effects of vegetarian and vegan nutrition on body composition in competitive futsal athletes

Ines Villano, Marco La Marra, Antonietta Messina, Girolamo Di Maio, Fiorenzo Moscatelli, Sergio Chieffi, Marcellino Monda, Giovanni Messina, Vincenzo Monda
Abstract 2525 | PDF Downloads 1227

Page e2021126

Consequences of aerobic resistance exercise combined with Liprimar in the treatment of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Yanping Liu, Huiyao Wang, Bingjie Nie, Yahua Liu
Abstract 246 | PDF Downloads 162

Page e2021073

The Relationship between Athletes' Attitudes for Healthy Eating and Exercise Dependence

Hasan Guler, Volkan Sural, Bekir Car, Ersan Tolukan
Abstract 405 | PDF Downloads 207

Incidence of Sport Injury in Contact and Non-Contact Sports

Mursit Aksoy, Turgay Ozgur, Bahar Odabas Ozgur, Deniz Demirci, Gökalp Gürel, Şahin Özen
Abstract 1260 | PDF Downloads 2144

Page e2021071

Acute influence of caffeinated commercially available energy drinks on performance, perceived exertion and blood lactate in youth female water polo players

Hamid Arazi, Sara Rakhshanfar , Ehsan Eghbali , Katsuhiko Suzuki
Abstract 417 | PDF Downloads 255

Page e2021220

Seasonal Change of Some Biochemical Parameters of Athletes Attending School Sports

Ramazan Erdoğan
Abstract 551 | PDF Downloads 334

Page e2021109

Influence of social media marketing on nutrition and physical activity behaviors of Romanian Generation Z students

Octavian Barna, George Cosmin Musat, Damian Petcu, Georgescu Adrian, Cazan Florin, Andreea Georgescu, Daniela Popa, Ariela Banu
Abstract 1047 | PDF Downloads 410

Page e2021188

Exploration of the effect of small sided games on the technical skills, internal and external loads of main and joker players

aliasker kumak, Ali Kizilet , Tuba Kizilet Bodoğan
Abstract 733 | PDF Downloads 300

Page e2021207

The effects of carbohydrate mouth rinsing on upper body strength and muscular endurance performance

Raci Karayiğit, Cengizhan Sari, Ulaş Can Yıldırım, Oguz Gurkan, Mustafa Can Eser, Hilal Kılınç Boz, Akan Bayrakdar
Abstract 679 | PDF Downloads 382

Page e2021043

Classification of Pistachio Species Using Improved K-NN Classifier

Ilker Ali Ozkan, Murat Koklu, Rıdvan Saraçoğlu
Abstract 3443 | PDF Downloads 3130

Page e2021044

Does persimmon leaf have a protective effect against oxidative damage caused by chromium in Saccharomyces cerevisiae?

Ozlem Gok, Seda Beyaz, Fazilet Erman, Abdullah Aslan
Abstract 351 | PDF Downloads 182

Quality assessment, antimicrobial activity organic sunflower honey and use of Maldi-tof mass spectrometry for the identification bacteria isolated from honey

Saša Milosavljević, Tanja Zugic Petrovic, Katarina Mladenović, Mirjana Grujović, Stefan Kolašinac, Dragan Orović
Abstract 392 | PDF Downloads 170

Page e2021182

Fatty Acid Composition of Opuntia Ficus-Indica Seed Oil Control Angiogenic Activity in Colon Carcinoma Cell Lines

Eda Becer, Hilal Kabadayı, Ali Hikmet Meriçli, Barış Kıvançlı, H. Seda Vatansever, Filiz Meriçli
Abstract 519 | PDF Downloads 208

Page e2021051

Medicinal and Nutritional Analysis of Fig (Ficus Carica) Seed Oil; A New Gamma Tocopherol and Omega-3 Source

Ozge Kucukerdonmez, Nefise Baygeldi, Rana Nagihan Akder, Özlem Çağındı
Abstract 2162 | PDF Downloads 1114

Page e2021052

The Effect of Nutrition Education Given to Healthcare Personnel on Orthorexia Nervosa

Derya Dalğa, Hande Öngün Yılmaz
Abstract 581 | PDF Downloads 275

Page e2021057

The dietary adequacy of organic vs conventional food consumers

Giancarlo Salvatori, Maria Bonaventura Forleo, Fabiana Martino, Enrica Di Iuorio, Raffaela Piccinelli, Cinzia Di Cesare
Abstract 545 | PDF Downloads 193

Page e2021067

Proximate composition, phytochemical screening and anti-hyperglycemic effect of elephant foot yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius) tuber on alloxan induced diabetic rats

Shaikh Shahinur Rahman, Mir Mohammad Muhsin, Md. Rezaul Karim, Md. Zubaer, Md. Hafizur Rahman, Shakh MA. Rouf
Abstract 968 | PDF Downloads 684

Page e2021068

Effect of Different Treatments on Nutritional, Microbiological and Rheological Properties of Flours

Neelma Munir, Armish Riaz, Saba Ghulam Mustafa, Rukhama haq, Saiqa Ilyas, Shagufta Naz
Abstract 713 | PDF Downloads 488

Page e2021113

Comparison of Antidiabetic and Antioxidant Activities of Sweet and Bitter Apricot Kernels

Gulsen Kaya , Merve Keskin
Abstract 619 | PDF Downloads 768

Page e2021070

The Biochemical Contents and Antioxidant Activities of Four Tanacetum L. taxa

İrfan Emre, Murat Kursat, Mustafa Yunus Emre, Okkes Yilmaz
Abstract 409 | PDF Downloads 241

Page e2021072

Legumes And Oilseed Consumption Frequency

Gülcan Arusoglu, Ahmet Ozturk, Selma Firat, Yasemin Seyfeli
Abstract 448 | PDF Downloads 348

Effects of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) Calyx Extract Improves the Physicochemical Characteristics, Antioxidant Activity and Consumer Preference of Yogurt Dressing

So Yeon Shin, Hyeonbin Oh, Ki Youeng Joung, Si Yeon Kim, Young Soon Kim
Abstract 598 | PDF Downloads 1207

Page e2021065

Development and sensory test of eel cookies for pregnant women with chronic energy deficiency using many facet Rasch model: a preliminary study

Deni Kurniadi Sunjaya, Dewi Marhaeni Diah Herawati, Devi Pratiktowati Puteri, Bambang Sumintono
Abstract 519 | PDF Downloads 221

Page e2021054

The Incidence Of Human Papilloma Virus In Pregnant Women and the Vertical Transfer Rate at Vaginal Delivery

Yüksel Kurban, Yasemin Alan, Ibrahim Uyar, Izzet Sahin, Izzet Sahin
Abstract 353 | PDF Downloads 196

Page e2021075

Mothers and Children Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: Evidence From a Mediterranean Country

Taygun Dayi, Gunsu Soykut, Mujgan Ozturk, Sevinc Yucecan
Abstract 1067 | PDF Downloads 516

Page e2021048

Anxiety in mothers of infants newly diagnosed with cow’s milk protein allergy: A cross-sectional study

Nergiz Sevinc, Burcu Korkut, Eylem Sevinc
Abstract 648 | PDF Downloads 267

Page e2021165

Could Urine pH be a New Parameter for Mortality?

Ayse Sahin Tutak, Hüseyin Avni Fındıklı
Abstract 324 | PDF Downloads 1383

Symptom Assessment Training Based on Adult Learning Theory Evaluation of the Application Effect in Improving the Evaluation Ability of New Nurses in NICU

Xingli Wan, Hong Cheng, Yaohua Wu, Xia Li, Xuemei Guo, Shaoyu Su, Yanling Hu, Qiong Chen, Xiaowen Li
Abstract 340 | PDF Downloads 159

Page e2021064